The trailer for Thor: Ragnarok broke the internet! I guess? Do the kids still say that?
Anyway, we take a look at the new Guardiansised Thor and the idea of movie trailers in general, what works, what doesn't, what they should give away and what they should avoid a all costs.
Plus! We revisit our first One Shot and reveal what we thought about Rogue One, and Poke fun at live shot-for-shot remakes of cartoons. And also compare ourselves and fan culture in general to the oceanic food chain. Oops!
Heading back to the beginning of the modern superhero movie era with the movie that probably deserves the most credit for that, 1998's Blade!
How did this movie manage to rip-off the Matrix two years before the Matrix came out? Have you ever been a kid trying to sneak into an R-rated movie only to get booted by an infamous bemulleted ticket-taker? What are the mechanics of the vampire reproductive system? And what of the scourge of Renfields infiltrating our police departments?
Why even bother trying to listen to this podcast, it's untranslatable, and- oh, what? it's been translated by a computer? And also a sexagenarian mechanic with a machine gun? Okay then. Party on.
When Scott Bakula gets a schnoz full of space gas (*spass) he develops the ability to regenerate indefinitely, becomes I-Man, and decides to A. never have that name mentioned in this movie, and B. do what any self-respecting modern superhero would do, and become a spy.
Lots of movies have musical themes for the superhero, but how many have themes for the superpowers? What does Star Trek's Kevin Uxbridge have against the Golden Gate Bridge? Is there a better eggs-based insult than "Eggs Benedict Arnold"?
Welcome to Andrew's childhood obscure VHS collection! Blazers with lasers for all!